Friday, December 4, 2009

Just Like Breathing...

Chocolate covered pretzels = YUM. You know I'm all about the contradictions. The whole salty-sweet combo is fantastic to my taste buds. Hah.

So I am currently trying to make something for that new-found-best-friend-I-met-just-once. Actually I'm not even sure it's gonna be for him yet. I just thought of him while working on it...But let me tell you it is a PAIN. I have to keep starting over cause I'll mess up, and not realize it till it's too late. Driving me crazy. Good thing I'm starting these things now...May be a while before I see those guys again, but I'm going to need a while to get these right. And of course the stuff I'm making for my besties...That's going to take me a while too, and Christmas isn't too far away! Jeeeeeeze! (<---Why do I say that? It's not a word! Haha!)

On another note, I realized that these feelings, while some of the strongest I've ever felt, are so so simple. Honestly....Let me just ask you: How much do you think about breathing?

It's like that. The feelings. I don't go through my day counting my breaths, or analyzing the amount of air I take in each breath. I don't think about breathing at all, it just happens. It's natural, no reason to put any thought behind it. The only real reasons I would think about breathing is if I had pain in my chest, or I went running and was "Out of breath"

Simple as that. No reason to think about it, unless it's causing some kind of discomfort or pain. But you feel it constantly. You need it to survive for crying out loud! (Not saying I need this to survive, that would be a stretch.) But really...

My feelings for this guy are so wonderful, I'm always so happy. I can go about my day without thinking about him at all! Sure, I dream about him every night, but that I don't control. Sure I see him when I turn the computer on, or whatever. Sure I hear him every night as I fall asleep. But I do not think about him. He's just there, inside me...My heart I guess, or, I'm assuming. Lol.
The whole "Think don't feel" thing is just puuuure bliss. I am ALWAYS feeling him. Always, but I don't have to think about him. This is something I never discovered before now. I don't need him to be a constant in my mind, because he's already a constant in my heart. (I still don't get why I couldn't realize this before with someone else, but whatever. It's all for a reason, duh.)

Basically, it's like breathing, metaphorically. Always there, always feel it, keeps me healthy, alive, and not something to stress over or worry about
(Unless you're like a chain smoker or something, thankfully I'm not! :P)

I guess I never realized my thoughts and my feelings could keep seperate company. But they can. They can coexist, without colliding, and I freaking love it! (I'm not saying I never think about him, I mean, all my blog posts have revolved around him to be honest. He's on my mind this moment, and not just because he tweeted something right now. Hah.)

Wellll, why I don't a take a tip from that genius friend of mine? (She's doing this epic thing called "Not obsessing" haha. Smart smart girl!) Let's see how many blogs I can go through (Starting tomorrow) without mentioning him once. But that doesn't include song lyrics I post at the end of each blog, because I listen to that band too much. (Yeah every time I post song lyrics at the end, it's always the song I'm listening to that moment, just saying...) Hah.

Now, time to get back to making this pain in the butt gift for whats-his-face. Hehe :P

"I am what I am. I can't help myself. And if you don't like it get with somebody else!" - I Am What I Am by Jonas Brothers <3


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