Saturday, December 5, 2009

Harry Potter Will Never Die

Today I'm blogging about one of my favorite things in this whole wide world. Harry Potter. I could even go as far to say that I almost love Harry Potter more then everything else combined...Almost. Haha.

Today I got to see the first trailer, sort of, for Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and boy did a rush of memories just flood through me. I'm so excited for the movie to come out. But it totally brings me down. Number one reason of that is: I can't stand for good things to come to an end.

I already suffered, and am still suffering the end of those books. Now I just have to relive it to a less severe degree through the movies. I mean, I'm never satisfied with the movies, but this is ALL I have left to hold onto in the Harry Potter world, that's new! The thought of having nothing Harry Potter related to look forward to is sooooo just...Not right.

Harry Potter was, without a doubt, my first love. My best friend. My helping hand. My shoulder to cry on. It was everything to me, silly as that might sound. Sure, it's a fictional world. Just a book. It's not real. But it would take more then those pessimistic words to make me agree to it. Because Harry James Potter is every bit as real as you and me. In some form. I know for one he will always be a part of me. And I am just one of millions...Of billions of devoted Potterheads.

J.K. Rowling is a hero to me. Harry Potter was the begining of my turning point. That's what kept me sane, and happy, it's what kept me from being the girl who went to parties and got drunk at a too young age like all the others in my class. I was so absorbed in the world that was so much more then my own that I prefered sitting at home in my bed, curled up with my blanket and something to drink on the nightstand with my book in my hands. More then half the time I fell asleep with the book still open under my face...I did not want to put it down.

I have never met another Harry Potter fan who has read those books as many times as I have. (Over 100 times each.) I'm not saying I'm the best or biggest fan...Just one of the most absorbed perhaps. It's like when you have a bad day, and you just want to go to someone and vent, and feel the relief of letting it out and having someone say "It's okay, I understand" Well...That was Harry for me. I jumped into those books because I had nothing else. I had family, and friends, but some emotions can't be put into words. Some things you don't feel comfortable talking about to anyone! Harry Potter was my release. Unlike most the teens I know, who turned to drugs and alcohal and sex...I turned to books. To the unknown worlds that didn't exist in mine.

I remember the first time I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, I was in middle school, in detention I think...And we were supposed to be reading. I didn't have a book with me so grabbed one of the shelf. It was Harry Potter. And I read it in about two weeks. So then I read the second one...I only read them during school time. But after the second I NEEDED the third, and it took off from there. I started reading them in my free time, and wizzed through them in days...In just hours. I never knew I was a fast reader before, I never knew I liked to read before Harry Potter. I never would have liked writing if I had never picked up that book that day.

It's always my favorite place to be...In the wizarding world. And though my books came to an end...I still had it. The movies (though nowhere near as good or exciting) were still coming out. J.K. Rowling came out with The Tales Of Beedle The Bard...That was something. And then I found Wizard Rock. There are hundreds of bands that play wizard rock, more comonly known as Wrock music. It's alllll about Harry Potter really, and I simple love it. It was one of my best distractions and outlets during my dark days to be honest. I even wrote some of my own wrock songs. So, really, the books will always be on someones shelf, somewhere. And the movies will always be in someones dvd player, sometime. And the music will still be listened to in someones headphones somedays.

Just because the books came to an end, and the movies are soon going to be done, and wizard rockers may eventually stop writing their songs, that does not mean Harry Potter is over. Harry Potter will never die. It will never end.

It's just like Lord of the Rings, I mean those books came out years and years and yearssss ago. Decades ago! And people still read them, still love them. They go through each generation really. And so will Harry.

Harry Potter lives, through the books, the movies, the songs, and in all of the hearts of all of the fans. He is real, as far as my eyes can see. And I will always cherish everything I got out of the world.

I know Twilight fans and HP fans sort of battle it out over which is better, but really, how stupid is that? This one smart dude said something like "It's not fair to compare the two series, when they aren't going after the same things. They aren't trying for the same goals as books, and so you can not say one is better then the other." I agree with that completely. I mean, I love Twilight, but honestly I DO think Harry Potter is better, but it's an opinion, and I have good reasoning for that opinion.

If you took a Twilight fan, and took an HP fan, and asked them to tell you what they got out of the book, I bet you anything the HP fan would have alot more meaningful things to say then the Twilight fan. Because Twilight, though a good story, doesn't have any morals, or messages really. At least, I don't see any. But Harry teaches you about the power of love, and strength of friendship, and the difference between right and wrong, and sacrafice, and bravery, good vs evil...There is so much. The books helped shape who I am today. But I got nothing out of Twilight, other then a good read for a fantasy love story. That's it.

But anyways, I just wanted to talk about that. Harry Potter is one of the subjects that, when you get me started on it, you WILL have to stop me, because I will go on, and on, and on, until I am forced to stop. I love it so much. It's one of the best things in my world. Books...Oh how I love books.

On another note: Those creative gifts I'm trying to make for all my beloved friends is becoming a freaking pain in the butt! I know I said that in my last blog, but sheeeeesh! I thought I would be better at this, but, I was a freshman the last time I tried, so, four years later I guess it does me no good. So, dear friends, if my gifts to you suck, I'm sorry! Lol. I'm trying! :P

Haha I just realized I say "So" a lot in these blogs. Gah, I'm such a dork. I mean, really, I write these drawn out blogs, probably full of gramatical errors, which bugs me...And it's not even like anyone reads it...Well, I know one person, maybe two...But I'm lame. But writing these feelings out is a good release. Kind of funny, how I start releasing my bottled up feelings when my feelings are good. I should have been more releasing when they were bad! Would have helped loads I bet! Ahhh siiigh. Haha.

"His breath gets short and his chest gets tight. But he's sixteen and he's driving too fast. Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last. Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right. Nobody in the car would have died that night!" - Wasted by Cartel



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